Call / Text (801) 375-1414 | | 247 West 2230 North Provo, UT 84604 | Text PAY to 801-375-1414 to make payment
Why is Velscope important?
Used to detect cancer at its earliest stages before physical changes can be seen.
Safe & Non-Invasive
It takes just a few minutes
The safe fluorescent blue light is emit which causes abnormal tissue to appear a dark. (see photo below)
One of the most important tasks is to help identify areas that might, if not identified and treated, progress to oral cancer.
If detected early the survival rate after 5 years is over 80 %
What is the cost?
It is FREE as part of your biannual routine dental hygiene visit. Provo dentist Dr. David Bennett want to provide the highest level or care but don’t want the price of these procedures to influence whether or not someone has this potentially life-saving procedure completed.

Call our office today at 801-375-1414 or click on the link above if you have any questions aboutVELScope or to schedule an appointment.