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Root Canals Provo
Root canal therapy, or endodontics, is sometimes required to save teeth that have been seriously damaged by decay, cavities, trauma, or other issues Dr. Dave Smith and Dr. Mike Bennett can often perform emergency dentistry with root canal therapy right here in our office, without having to refer you to another practice, except in rare instances.
Root canal therapy involves the removal of infected nerve tissue and the sterilization of the nerve chamber to destroy bacteria. Dr. Smith or Dr. Bennett will then seal the nerve chamber with a filling material, and then reinforce the tooth with a custom-created dental crown designed to both look and function like your original tooth. Our practice utilizes CEREC® one-visit dental crowns to provide you with accurate and fast restorations in the same day.
Root canal therapy can not only be a tooth-saving procedure, but it can also reduce chances of developing severe health problems caused by damaged teeth that have not been treated.
Contact our office at 801-375-1414 or click on the link to schedule complimentary consultation!